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인스타그램 blackouttuesday 말 뜻, 미국 흑인 인종 차별 시위 가수 윤지의 선택

NS 김윤지 해시태그

김대호 주필/ 경제학 박사

기사입력 : 2020-06-03 04:58

가수 윤지가 쏘아올린  blackouttuesday 이미지 확대보기
가수 윤지가 쏘아올린 blackouttuesday
미국에서 '블랙 아웃 화요일(black out tuesday)' 캠페인이 빠른 속도로 번져가고 있다.

black out tuesday 캠페인은 백인 경찰의 강경 진압으로 '조지 플로이드'라는 흑인이 사망한 데 항의하는 가수와 음악가들의 투쟁이다. 한국에서는 가수 겸 배우 NS 김윤지가 인스타그램에 "#blackouttuesday" 해시태그를 걸었다.
다음은 NS 김윤지가 올린 전문이다.

Blackout Tuesday

Blackout Tuesday is a collective action to protest racism and police brutality.The action, originally organized within the music industry in response to the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor,[3] is taking place on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Businesses taking part are encouraged to abstain from releasing music and other business operations.[4]

The call to action was initiated by music executives Brianna Agyemang and Jamila Thomas, Senior Director of Marketing at Atlantic Records.
Businesses are participating in different manners. Black Americans are asked to not buy or sell on this day to show economic strength and unity. Spotify announced it would be adding a 8-minute and 46-second moment of silence to certain podcasts and playlists for the day Apple Music stripped down and took over the Browse, For You, and Radio tabs and replaced them with a single radio streaming station in celebration of black music

On Instagram, users participate by posting a single photo of a black square alongside the hashtag #blackouttuesday.

Organizations supporting Blackout Tuesday suggest this day can be an opportunity for reflection on racism and the effects of it on society.[9] Others suggest it is an opportunity to take time from work to focus on helping others.

Some users have posted the black square image using the hashtag #blacklivesmatter or #BLM (an abbreviation of the former), which in turns leads users who are searching those hashtags to nothing but blank images. Because the Black Lives Matter related hashtags are being used by activists and others to share information during the ongoing protests, posting a black square with the incorrect hashtag risks drowning out critical information and updates.

김대호 글로벌이코노믹 주필/ 경제학 박사 tiger8280@g-enews.com
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